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Sleeping after Shoulder Surgery

Sleeping after Shoulder Surgery
Sleeping after Shoulder Surgery

Sleeping after Shoulder Surgery

The body’s ability to heal itself is truly amazing. What’s even more incredible is that this healing occurs while we sleep!

Sleep is very important after shoulder surgery. The quantity and quality of our sleep can affect the body’s ability to repair and grow tissue, bone, and muscle. Many patients who have just had shoulder surgery have some difficulty sleeping because they just can’t seem to get comfortable at night.

Here are some tips for sleeping after shoulder surgery to help you get the rest your body needs.

Use an extra pillow for support - Place a small pillow between your healing shoulder and your torso. The added support will help keep circulation open to your shoulder. Blood flow is essential for healing because our blood carries oxygen, which promotes the growth of collagen and helps control infection.

Sleep on an Incline - Do not sleep flat on your back. Sleeping on an incline for 4-6 weeks after surgery is best. For the first week or two, a recliner may be the most comfortable option. Purchasing a 45 degree wedge from a medical supply store can also provide a stable base to prop yourself up in the bed.

Wear your sling - Wearing your sling during the day helps keep your arm in the proper position but also provides protection. This is true at night as well. Wearing your sling at night will help protect your shoulder from movement and keep it properly positioned while you sleep.

Timing is everything - Plan out your medication schedule so that you are taking your pain medication about 30 minutes before bedtime. This will help ensure that you are pain free when you are ready to sleep. In addition, taking your medication right before bed will give you a long period of rest before having to wake up again to take your medication.

Ice before bed - Icing your shoulder before you go to sleep will help numb the nerves and reduce inflammation which will help you get to sleep faster. Remember to have a towel or soft cloth between the ice and your skin to avoid frostbite or irritation to the skin.

You need to be able to rest after surgery so that your body can heal effectively. These tips can help minimize discomfort and maximize your sleep. If you are still not sleeping well two weeks after surgery, then call the office so that we can evaluate your healing and adjust treatment to help you get the sleep your body needs.

Milan M. DiGiulio, M.D. offers comprehensive orthopedic care for you and your entire family, specializing in Sports Medicine and arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder and knee. Dr. DiGiulio performs over 200 arthroscopic shoulder and knee surgeries each year, using the most advanced surgical technology. Dr. DiGiulio is an advocate of non-invasive, non-surgical treatment options such as Physical Therapy and Orthobiologics.

Useful Links

  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • Sportsmed
  • The American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
  • American Association of Nurse Anesthetists