Healthcare News
Physical Therapy Can Keep Sports Injuries at Bay
Physical therapy helps people recover from sports injuries, but it also can help prevent them, an expert says.
What happens with a pinched nerve in the shoulder?
A pinched nerve in the shoulder occurs when a nearby structure irritates or presses on a nerve coming from the neck. This can lead to shoulder pain and numbness of the arm and hand.
Treating and Managing Shoulder Pain
This common joint problem can affect anyone. Shoulder pain may involve the cartilage, ligaments, muscles, nerves, or tendons. It can also include the shoulder blade, neck, arm, and hand.
Seven exercises for shoulder arthritis
Arthritis can affect any joint in the body, including the shoulder joints. Performing specific exercises on a regular basis can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis, which include pain and swelling.
Care of Shoulder Pain in the Overhead Athlete
Shoulder complaints are common in the overhead athlete. Understanding the biomechanics of throwing and swimming requires understanding the importance of maintaining the glenohumeral relationship of the shoulder. Capsular laxity, humeral retrotorsion, glenoid retroversion, glenohumeral internal rotation deficit, and scapular dyskinesis can all contribute to shoulder dysfunction and pain.
Improvements in ACL surgery may help prevent knee osteoarthritis
Injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee frequently leads to early-onset osteoarthritis, a painful condition that can occur even if the patient has undergone ACL reconstruction to prevent its onset. A new review looks at the ability of two different reconstruction techniques to restore normal knee motion and potentially slow degenerative changes
Jymmin: How a combination of exercise and music helps us feel less pain
Pain is essential for survival. However, it could also slow rehabilitation, or could become a distinct disorder. How strongly we feel it depends on our individual pain threshold. Scientists have discovered that this threshold can be increased by a new fitness method called Jymmin. It combines working out on gym machines with free musical improvisation -- and makes us less sensitive towards physical discomfort
Concomitant rotator cuff, biceps repair led to greater improvement in PROs
Despite inferior baseline patient-reported outcomes, patients who underwent rotator cuff repair with concomitant biceps procedure had greater improvement in outcomes at 1-year postoperatively compared with patients who underwent rotator cuff repair alone, according to results.
BLOG: Hardware complications in revision ACL reconstruction take careful consideration
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is a commonly performed orthopedic procedure with more than 100,000 reconstructions performed annually in the United States. Despite improved surgical techniques and rehabilitation protocols, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction failure rates range from 5% to 25%.
The Relationship Between Shoulder Stiffness and Rotator Cuff Healing
A total of 1,533 consecutive shoulders had an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair by a single surgeon. Patients assessed their shoulder stiffness using a Likert scale preoperatively and at 1, 6, 12, and 24 weeks (6 months) postoperatively, and examiners evaluated passive range of motion preoperatively and at 6, 12, and 24 weeks postoperatively. Repair integrity was determined by ultrasound evaluation at 6 months.